Accompanying this new toy is a pain/discomfort system, a corresponding meter on the subject monitor, and new personality preferences for test subjects. APK for Android! The game wasn't originally designed for mobile, and there's certainly some places where the interface doesn't translate cleanly, but I wanted to try to get the game running on as many new platforms as possible, since browser support is dwindling.
First and foremost, the game is now available in several downloadable formats: Windows EXE, Mac APP, AIR for Windows, AIR for Mac, SWF for offline flash players and emulators, and - wait for it. I took that opportunity to do a content update for Rack 1, and I'm happy to say that Rack v1.2.0 is ready to go! With Flash's official EOL finally upon us, I've been scrambling to get all of my old games ported over to other formats.